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How quickly can I turnout again after detecting bounding digital pulse.
We all want to turn our horses and ponies out to enjoy a wonderful summer grazing freely and socialising with herd mates. However, if your horse and pony is sugar-sensitive and has an enforced stay inside because of suspected problems or the observant detection of a bounding digital pulse, how long must he stay inside?
The answer is at least two weeks after he is off all drugs and appears fully sound. If you succumb to the temptation to turn him out sooner you take a very high risk of regretting it. Do not be fooled by thinking ‘oh I caught it as soon as I felt a bounding pulse, so he can go back out sooner’. Unfortunately not, because the pulse does not indicate problems in the future, it tells you that there is already pain and damaged tissues. And your horse or pony needs at least two weeks for those tissues to mend. In the long run you will be glad you were patient.