The-Farming-Year-April Chestnut Mill

The Farming Year - April

April continues in the same way March finished.  Lambs and Calve are still arriving.  Calving will continue well into May, however April will usually see the end of the lambing towards the end of the month.  Usually the month that contains Easter (although it can be in March) April is the classic month for new beginnings and that spring feel in the air.

During this busy period looking after calving and lambing, it is important to remember the littler jobs.  Each calve will need to have their ears tagged for identifying them to work in combination with their very own cow passport.

Whilst the lambing will be coming to an end, the young lambs are still very vulnerable, especially to natural predators such as foxes and even crows.  They will need protecting until they are bigger.

Newly weaned female sheep, otherwise known as Gimmer Hoggs, will be dosed against worms once they have finished weaning and dipped in chemical mixes to fight the spread of disease..

Fertiliser spreading takes place on grazing field to encourage spring growth.  This will often then be cut for hay or silage later in the year.  Potatoes are put into the ground and drilling takes place for oil seed rape and peas.  Cereals are top dressed and sprayed with fertilisers and pesticides.

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